Wednesday, November 30, 2011

blah blah blah......

Not too much to update on the TTC side.....things are same ole same ole here......another cycle and I'm spotting at 12dpo. It's pretty much inevitable that AF will be arriving any day now. I have been so slacking this month when it comes to my meds. Havent been taking my metformin, havent been taking my prenatals. Next cycle I need to fix that.

Is it odd that I am kinda excited for AF.....Yes?!?
I agree.
The only reason is because I decided to start using cloth pads :)
I have bought items from 3 different companies, and I cant wait to try them all. I plan to do a review....which I guess I should start before I actually use the pads, you know so I can take some pics pre use.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

CD30 - 13DPO

So I am near the end of my cycle and the last couple days, my temps have plummeted. (CHART).  This kinda sucks.....but nothing really new for me. Looks like this cycle and month 27 have come and gone. I wish there was something more that I can do. Since I had a MC, its not like I cant get pregnant, but I dont really want to wait another 2 years to have a baby.
