Monday, October 31, 2011

34 weeks......well supposed to be.

I have been feeling a little sorry for myself lately.
I am getting closer and closer to my original due date, and it makes me feel kinda crappy.
I didn't think I would feel like this, like the date would come and go, but I feel like I will have a hard time. I should be about 34 weeks now.

I really hope it happens again for me soon.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 1 following GI Diet

I have been eating healthy (for the most part) and following the GI diet for a week now. Until Saturday I was doing great and following it perfectly. I weighed myself last Saturday and I was 285lb. This morning I am 280.2lb. I lost almost 5lb and I am so happy with that. I just need to keep up with it to see more success!! :)

I think the what helped out a lot was planning my meals out for the entire week.... and avoiding Tim Hortons when working. I was going there every single day, and I didnt go once last week :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Losing Weight....GI Style

When I was diagnosed with PCOS it was recommended by my doctor that I try the GI diet. It is recommended to those with diabetes (and in my case, insulin resistance) because.

a very simplified explanation is:

Glycemic Index (GI) is the measure of the speed our body takes to digest carbohydrates into glucose (sugar). Glucose has a GI of 100 and all other items are measured off of that.

What you want is to eat foods that take longer to digest - with a lower GI, that way there is not a large build up of sugar in your system.

Foods that have a GI of 55 or lower are low, 56-69 are medium, 70 and above are high. The GI diet has labeled these as Green-Light , Yellow-Light and Red-Light foods. With this diet, you can eat pretty much as much Green-Light items as you want (some do have a serving size limit), and avoid the Red-Light items.

I have tried this diet before but just didn't have the motivation at the time to stick with it. The short time I was on it, I only lost a couple pounds, but I just generally felt better; more energy and healthier. Officially on Monday I am starting this again and I'm excited.

you should check it out THE GI DIET

*this is my own opinion, and not influences by any other person

Intro to Me

So a little bit about me.....
I am 27 years old and married to my husband "Ridley" for 2.5 years and together for 9 years. We live in Ontario Canada.
We have been TTC for 27 looooooong months.

In June 2009 got married
In July 2009 started TTC
In March 2010 I had a chemical pregnancy.
In May 2010 I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
In November 2010 started taking Metformin.
In April 2011 I got a BFP, but then suffered a MMC in May 2011.

Today we are still TTC, and on top of that I am gonna try losing weight......again.

Here is to my wild ride!
