Friday, December 16, 2011

Cloth Pad Review - Part 2: Luna Pads

From the Luna Pad Website:
"Lunapads International is a women-owned and operated mission-based business based in Vancouver, Canada. Our mission is to help individuals have healthier and more positive experiences of their menstrual cycles, and by extension, their bodies overall. Our team is made up of a passionate group of women who believe that using natural menstrual products is a creative and empowering way to honor and care for ourselves and the planet."

Luna Pads have been making their collection of menstrual products since 1993.
Supply Luna Pads, Luna Panties and Diva Cups.

I ordered the Heavy Flow starter kit in the Apple Blossom pattern. This contained 2 Maxi Pads with 2 Maxi Basic Liners & 2 Maxi Wing Liners (10" X 2.5") and 2 Long Pads with 2 Long Basic Liners & 2 Long Wing Liners (12" X 2.5"). It cost me $79.14 US before taxes and shipping.

Back of Pads

They are made from a 2 layer 100% cotton flannel base topped with an absorbent panel made of 2 layers of cotton fleece, and 1 layer of ultra-thin nylon to minimize soaking through.  The liner is made from 2 layers of 100% cotton fleece. You have the option to choose regular or organic cotton pads. There are many different colour/pattern options to choose from, which you can view here.
To use these pads, you would place the basic liner or the winged liner (or both for more absorbency) onto the pad. You would then place the pad into your underwear, just as you would a disposable, and snap the wings together. The pattern side of these pads go against your underwear. When using the winged liner, the wings just hang over the pad, and will lie against the inside of your thigh when wearing the pad.

Pad with Winged Liner
Pad with liner and winged liner

When you are done using the pad, you just fold it into itself, and button the wings together 

Moon Pad Bag Opening
Along with the pads, I also purchased a Moon Pad Bag for $19.99. This bag  has 2 separate zippered compartments, lined with water-resistant PUL.One side is used for unused pads, while the other side is used for the used pads. This pad is 5.5" X 7" and fits great into a purse, and easy to take to the bathroom when needed.

The pad with both liners feels a little bulky, but is still comfortable. The material is very soft and doesn't really feel like it's a pad that you are wearing. I thought that the rippled material on the front and back of the pad, that holds the liners in, would be uncomfortable, but you wouldn't even know that they were there.

I found that on my heavy day, I leaked through the liner and soiled the pad quickly. On my normal flow day, these were the perfect pad. I was able to just replace the liner and reuse the same pad for the better part of the day. They wicked the moisture away from my body and did not leave me feeling wet or yucky. 

Cleaning Instructions from the website:
"Lunapads can be washed by hand or machine in any temperature with your regular detergent. Pre-soaking or rinsing in cold water prior to washing is recommended (but not always necessary) particularly if the pads are heavily saturated. Please note that if Lunapads are being soaked, soaking water must be changed daily.
We recommend natural cleaning products such as Nellie’s All Natural Laundry Soda for regular cleaning, and Buncha Farmers Stain Remover to perk up stained pads. Heavily stained pads may also benefit from occasional machine wash and dry in hot settings or air drying in direct sunlight.
Please avoid the use of chlorine bleach or fabric softeners to clean Lunapads, as this will decrease the performance of the products and is harmful to the environment."
Washing these pads are VERY easy. After 2 days I put all of my used cloth pads in the wash and nothing was stained.
For anyone looking to try cloth pads, I would definitely recommend these.


Cloth Pads Review - Part One

I decided a long time ago that when I had a baby that I was going to Cloth Diaper them. Well if I am going to cloth diaper my baby, why do I not use cloth pads myself?
So I did!!!
This last cycle I used cloth pads for the first time, and I have decided that I am DEFINITELY going to keep using them. They were so much more comfortable, and cleaning them was a breeze!

I decided to try three different kinds:
Luna Pads
Party In My Pants
New Moon Pads

I am going to review all three kinds that I used and let you know in the end which was my favourite :)

Some General Cloth Pad Information:

  • Can be thrown in with your normal laundry
  • Should be washed in cold water, without fabric softener
  • Have less odour than disposable pads
  • More breathable than disposable pads
  • Can save money using cloth
  • Better for the environment
  • Change them as often as disposables
  • Can be more absorbent than disposables


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

blah blah blah......

Not too much to update on the TTC side.....things are same ole same ole here......another cycle and I'm spotting at 12dpo. It's pretty much inevitable that AF will be arriving any day now. I have been so slacking this month when it comes to my meds. Havent been taking my metformin, havent been taking my prenatals. Next cycle I need to fix that.

Is it odd that I am kinda excited for AF.....Yes?!?
I agree.
The only reason is because I decided to start using cloth pads :)
I have bought items from 3 different companies, and I cant wait to try them all. I plan to do a review....which I guess I should start before I actually use the pads, you know so I can take some pics pre use.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

CD30 - 13DPO

So I am near the end of my cycle and the last couple days, my temps have plummeted. (CHART).  This kinda sucks.....but nothing really new for me. Looks like this cycle and month 27 have come and gone. I wish there was something more that I can do. Since I had a MC, its not like I cant get pregnant, but I dont really want to wait another 2 years to have a baby.


Monday, October 31, 2011

34 weeks......well supposed to be.

I have been feeling a little sorry for myself lately.
I am getting closer and closer to my original due date, and it makes me feel kinda crappy.
I didn't think I would feel like this, like the date would come and go, but I feel like I will have a hard time. I should be about 34 weeks now.

I really hope it happens again for me soon.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 1 following GI Diet

I have been eating healthy (for the most part) and following the GI diet for a week now. Until Saturday I was doing great and following it perfectly. I weighed myself last Saturday and I was 285lb. This morning I am 280.2lb. I lost almost 5lb and I am so happy with that. I just need to keep up with it to see more success!! :)

I think the what helped out a lot was planning my meals out for the entire week.... and avoiding Tim Hortons when working. I was going there every single day, and I didnt go once last week :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Losing Weight....GI Style

When I was diagnosed with PCOS it was recommended by my doctor that I try the GI diet. It is recommended to those with diabetes (and in my case, insulin resistance) because.

a very simplified explanation is:

Glycemic Index (GI) is the measure of the speed our body takes to digest carbohydrates into glucose (sugar). Glucose has a GI of 100 and all other items are measured off of that.

What you want is to eat foods that take longer to digest - with a lower GI, that way there is not a large build up of sugar in your system.

Foods that have a GI of 55 or lower are low, 56-69 are medium, 70 and above are high. The GI diet has labeled these as Green-Light , Yellow-Light and Red-Light foods. With this diet, you can eat pretty much as much Green-Light items as you want (some do have a serving size limit), and avoid the Red-Light items.

I have tried this diet before but just didn't have the motivation at the time to stick with it. The short time I was on it, I only lost a couple pounds, but I just generally felt better; more energy and healthier. Officially on Monday I am starting this again and I'm excited.

you should check it out THE GI DIET

*this is my own opinion, and not influences by any other person

Intro to Me

So a little bit about me.....
I am 27 years old and married to my husband "Ridley" for 2.5 years and together for 9 years. We live in Ontario Canada.
We have been TTC for 27 looooooong months.

In June 2009 got married
In July 2009 started TTC
In March 2010 I had a chemical pregnancy.
In May 2010 I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
In November 2010 started taking Metformin.
In April 2011 I got a BFP, but then suffered a MMC in May 2011.

Today we are still TTC, and on top of that I am gonna try losing weight......again.

Here is to my wild ride!
